Independence Day Sale!  Save $3003 on Complete Roman Holiday Heating Kit 



Our new, structural insulated radiant heating capable floor.

Van Life Tech Hydronic Radiant Floor


  • Patent Pending “Top Down” technology designed for Mobile Applications
  • Our “Keystone” allows you to determine where you want to bring your tubing out of the floor allowing any mechanical location / Van layout desired.
  • Plank Flooring & Universal Corner System provide multiple tubing layout configurations out-of-the-box. Want a shower pan in-the-floor at your slider door, rear trunk in your spare tire location or aftermarket seating – no problem.
  • Captures Tubing in toleranced channels inside-the-floor during assembly ensuring quiet longevity. PEX tubing expands and contracts during thermal cycles which can cause noise and/or the tubing to work itself out of traditional tubing installation methods when used in a mobile application.
  • Construction Screw Assembly & Layup on the insulated subfloor. In short – we know from experience – nails do not work in mobile applications.
  • Kits are CNC cut from 18mm poplar lite-ply 

          (40% lighter than typical shop plywood)

Structural Insulated Subfloor

  • Lightweight Subfloor made from SIPs (structural insulated panels)
  • 3mm poplar top and bottom sheet with 12mm XPS foam core [18mm total]
  • 60-90 lbs (30-40 kg) Installed (Typical 9pc & 12pc Kits, respectively)
  • Complete thermal break w/ ~R5 insulation value
  • High density sound deadening properties
  • Ability to put potable water lines across the van in the subfloor (for walk-thru Van layouts)
  • Subfloor is bonded to the Vehicle floor during installation
  • NOTE: this subfloor replaces our Legacy 2 part insulation & plywood subfloor system

Products that feature CALDERA

Do you know you want Hydronic Radiant Floor Heating and you’re looking to ‘Stage’ your build process or leave your options open in terms of a Heating System? 
Already bought your own heater? Or want to integrate our hydronic underfloor loop with an existing heating loop? Or Rogue system allows just that. Complete with floor tee assembly, floor pump & single zone control.
Offering Luxury through Technology the VLT “Roman Holiday” Two Stage Hydronic Heating & Hot Water System is an absolute Game Changer!